Location: Bintaro Permai, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
My Personality Type: Idealist --> Opening the world to new possibilities
I'm an Idealist, bent on making the world a better place. I cares about big ideas and issues, but i'm especially passionate about improving the lives of my family, friends, and community. As the ideal friend and co-worker, i gives good advice, has great empathy skills, and, more important, knows when to listen.
My Love Style: Spontaneous --> Love should be fun and natural; if it's not, i'm probably not doing it right.
Love is a natural part of my lifesomething to be enjoyed, not analyzed. I may love many types over time, each in a somewhat different way. It's likely each affair will start with great sexual chemistry. Count on me to be in touch with love's playful side.
pagi juga...
rasanya enak kita lalui
dengan secangkir kopi...
zabidi zay lawanglangit, at 2:25 PM
Ngopi Yuks...
BudiBudz, at 3:22 PM
ikutan ngopi duooong!!!
pa kabar bro? lukisan gw masi ada ato dah masuk gudang ?
oca, at 8:20 PM
masih ada tenang aja... lukisin lagi dong modelnya gua... :p
BudiBudz, at 10:13 PM
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