" Kalau kamu (aku) jatuh sebanyak tiga kali, maka kamu (aku) harus bangun sebanyak empat kali. Artinya kamu (aku) memang orang yang kuat menghadapi segalanya. " sebuah motivasi untukmu (ku)
Location: Bintaro Permai, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
My Personality Type: Idealist --> Opening the world to new possibilities
I'm an Idealist, bent on making the world a better place. I cares about big ideas and issues, but i'm especially passionate about improving the lives of my family, friends, and community. As the ideal friend and co-worker, i gives good advice, has great empathy skills, and, more important, knows when to listen.
My Love Style: Spontaneous --> Love should be fun and natural; if it's not, i'm probably not doing it right.
Love is a natural part of my lifesomething to be enjoyed, not analyzed. I may love many types over time, each in a somewhat different way. It's likely each affair will start with great sexual chemistry. Count on me to be in touch with love's playful side.
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